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Product Updates
August 18, 2023

Introducing Business Page Reporting

Introducing Business Page Reporting
# Product Updates

Soon neighbors will be able to report business pages that violate the Business Page policy.

Team Nextdoor
Team Nextdoor
Introducing Business Page Reporting

While neighbors have been able to report posts created by business pages, neighbors have not had the option to report a business page itself from inside the Nextdoor app. The only way to report a business page has been to contact the Nextdoor support team. With the launch of business page reporting, neighbors will now be able to report business pages for policy violations directly from the business page. These reports will be handled by the Nextdoor support team, not community moderators.


What is changing? 

  1. Neighbors will be able to report business pages directly from the business page for violating our business page policy.
  2. They will have the option to report business pages for:
  3. Copyright or trademark violation
  4. Fraud or scam business
  5. Prohibited goods and services
  6. Posting problematic content
  7. Business page reports will be handled by the Nextdoor support team.

What is not changing? 

  1. The business page policy and community guidelines are not changing.
  2. Moderation flows for moderators are not changing since the Nextdoor support team will handle all business page reports.
  3. Neighbors can continue to report posts created by business pages from the posts themselves.

Why has Nextdoor made this update?

We know how important it is for neighbors to be able to report user generated content, from posts to comments, to direct messages, to now business pages. This gives neighbors another way to flag business page content that breaks Nextdoor’s policies and guidelines, and a way for the support team to assess and take action on violative business pages and content to keep Nextdoor safer. 

Questions or feedback?

For any questions on these changes, check out the Help Center.

For any bug reports or feature requests, please report them to Nextdoor Support to ensure they are connected to the correct team.

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